Архив автора: admin

Dolphin SVN r6867

Revision 6867:

Update SConscript for osx too. Also update some of the languages and add Brazilian Portuguese to the windows build.

Revision 6866


Revision 6865

Begin USBGecko. Kinda works already, need to make a checkpoint before making the socket stuff better.

Revision 6864

Cast size_t to unsigned long for printing.

Revision 6863

Deal with «hat» switches.

Revision 6862

Added Brazilian Portuguese translations thanks to coffeeholic, Runo, and Thiagorowof.
Updated Polish translations by Baszta.
Updated Russian translations thanks to Firnis.
Updated French translations thanks to Pascal.


r6867 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6867 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6861

Revision 6861:

Fixed the window size changing slightly each time the game window is maximised or changed to full-screen mode. Fixes issue 3916.

Revision 6860

Added a critical section around the external_interrupt_waiting variable, to be safe. Also, commit a file I missed in r6859.

Revision 6859

Fixed the DSPLLE on thread option. Works with DSP JIT, DSP Interpreter, AX and Zelda ucodes.

Revision 6858

LLE JIT: Changed the ASM dispatcher so that it jumps to the blocks instead of calling them. This removes the need to push and pop all of the registers at each block, speeding up the JIT. Changed the cycle counting to work off memory accesses instead of a register. Removed the C++ JIT dispatcher because it will no longer work with this new format.

Revision 6857

HID reports can use negative numbers.

Use UTF-8 for input device names and profile filenames.
From8Bit->To8Bit is not transparent.


r6861 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6861 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6856

Revision 6856:

Make the «IR Sensitivity» slider work on linux. Also clean up the appearance of the Audio config dialogs on linux and OSX a bit. It doesn’t change the appearance on windows.
Mark a couple of strings for translation that were missed before.
Update some of the languages from the translators.

Revision 6855

Fix OS X build.


r6856 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6856 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6854

Revision 6854:

Gah, forgot another file.

Revision 6853

Don’t bother with a separate NSApplication thread.

Revision 6852

Clean up nowx and stop cocoaApp busy-waiting in the main loop.

Set up an exit(3) task to shut down real wiimotes. This shouldn’t
really be necessary, but we do currently handle a number of error
conditions by calling exit(3).

Retire the inputuicommon library.

Revision 6851

Fix a few strings that weren’t being translated properly.


r6854 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6854 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6850

Revision 6850:

Fix tooltip translation in the Video config dialog.
Fix Pad 1-4 and Wiimote 1-4 translation in the input dialogs.

Revision 6849

Mark wiimote extension strings for translation.
Update French, Polish, and Korean languages thanks to Pascal, Baszta, and Siegfried, resp.

Revision 6848

Core/DSPCore: Consolidation of register accesses(except for the four hw
stacks), addition of a register cache(currently accumulators on 64bit only).

It feels a bit slower, but the numbers are about the same.
Caching accumulators doesn’t change speed either.

Revision 6847

Make sure that configuration dialog titles for the plugins are translated and a few other missed strings.
Initialize locale in each of the plugins on windows so that the plugin configuration dialogs are translated and the translators will get off my back.


r6850 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6850 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6846

Revision 6846:

dsp cleaning

Revision 6845

HLE jump to loader (homebrew)

Revision 6844

Accept arbitrary HID devices as gamepads instead of using SDL,
which has too narrow a view of what constitutes a joystick.

Now if only I could find my Apple IR Remote.. :-)

Revision 6843

Finally got the input common strings figured out. That pretty much finishes translations.

Revision 6842

Clean up translator callback.

Revision 6841

Translate PanicAlert captions too.


r6846 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6846 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6840

Revision 6840:

Fix panic alert translations. Windows is going to have to use the wxMsgHandler if it wants things to work. The default handler has issues with translated strings.
Also updated several translation files thanks to the Dolphin translation team.


r6840 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6840 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6839

Revision 6839:

Check DSP ROM hashes. Fix the ROMs not actually being write protected.

Revision 6838

Removed my previous PanicAlert translation hack. Fixed with a better method suggested by BhaaL. The translation is done by a callback in the MsgHandler routine that is set at program start. Added macros PanicAlertT, SuccessAlertT, PanicYesNoT, and AskYesNoT that are identical to the non T versions except those strings will be added by gettext to the po files to be translated. These can and should be used anywhere in the code for strings that should be translated.

Revision 6837

Quick fifo commit:

* Change the process ProcessAllDistace to ClearRegister
* Fix a bug in ProcessFifoEvents() in commandProcessro (thanks Skid)
— The last 2 items should be improve the speed lost in r6572 and maybe improve a little bit because ProcessFifoEvents() is right. (Test car selection in GxZero)
* Alliviate Fifo desyncs, In the meant time I still Researching for real solution. (This fix RE0 again and maybe others
«FIFOs linked but out of sync» and «GFX FIFO: Unknown Opcode (0x%x).\n» games suffers these for desync.)

Revision 6836

Executable memory above 2GB is okay on a 32-bit machine.

Fixes issue 3913.

The underlying problem, however, is that PanicAlert GUI popups
are broken on 32-bit Linux. I haven’t looked into why that is.

Revision 6835

Audio Mixer: Corrects reversed stereo in LLE and reversed stereo from DMA audio in HLE.

Fixes Issue 3713


r6839 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6839 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6825

Revision 6825:

Build fix for OSX

Revision 6824

Added a SSSE3 version of the swap16 and memcpy used by the mixer

Revision 6823

Switched the DSP DMA transfers to unaligned versions of the SSSE3 instructions

Revision 6822

Used SSSE3 instructions to swap16 and memcpy the DSP DMA transfers for a speed up

Revision 6821

Have wxWidgets install signal handlers to catch crashes
and disconnect any wiimotes.

The Windows code has special handling of both exceptions
and bluetooth connection state, neither of which I really
understand, so this is enabled on the other platforms only.

Revision 6820

wxCmdLineEntryDesc has switched to char string in 2.9.
Use wxS to get the right string type on either 2.8 or 2.9.

Default to cmd-f for the fullscreen toggle hotkey on OS X.

Revision 6819

Sneak in a quick fix for the sun effect in Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine before anyone notice it’s broken !


r6825 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6825 x64 – скачать, зеркало

Dolphin SVN r6818

Revision 6818:

Fix wx 2.8 build.

Revision 6817

Don’t bother quickly flashing the full pathname to the file loaded
in the title bar. It is more usefully displayed using the overlay
and long pathnames are not suitable for title bars and probably not
even safe depending on the underlying windowing system.

Revision 6816

Fix the cmake version check for gtk.


r6818 x86 – скачать, зеркало

r6818 x64 – скачать, зеркало